or the reason why we started our brand. |
Mummy Nicole and Ava back stage before the club competition 2023, matching animal print, black, red lipstick and numbers.
Back in the carefree days of 2018, mum aka Nicole, thought her wee little cherub. aka Ava, needed to focus her attention on something, something physical, expressive and creative.
Wee little cherub, found dancing around the lounge room in front of the TV to commercials with music she loved, to movies with theme songs she loved and to her favourite cartoons.
So the hunt began...
Before searching up options online, Nicole thought about a childhood dance style she attended in the 1980's with her mum at around the same age.
Grandma Jean and mummy Nicole, posing 1980's style.
Nicole age 9 or 10.
As synchronicity would have it, the universe knew Nicole needed direction.
A close dear friend posted images of their gorgeous daughter Jaz, attending a local dance club on social media. Ava was aged 4 at the time and this was at the end of the competition year. As soon as the photos appeared, we loved the vibe, the colours and how inclusive they were. As an only child of her parents it was so important that she join a dance club that wasn't OTT or too competitive at this tender age.
The club we joined was Mount Cotton BJP Physical Culture Club, set up and run by Miss Jasmin. She is a beautiful caring, loving teacher and exactly what we needed. The club we chose was like being invited to a whole new family. The teachers were both professional and caring. We couldn't have asked for better role models for our aspiring little wee tots.
Fast forward a little bit and now wee little cherub was been introduced to the world of BJP Physical Culture and attending her physie fairies class. Non compeition age group.
Funny thing was from the absolute first lesson, wee little cherub was a natural. With mum's limited experience and having had trained in this type of dance for 3 years as a little girl herself, she had a rough idea of what positions were required for this age group. Wee little cherub was hitting those positions with the precision of professional and for her 4 year old age, she was also critiquing her fellow students.
" Mummy she isn't doing it right!"
Mum and grandma look at each other and nod,
Replying " aren't they, why is that?"
Her first club competiton was adorable to watch, these were the fun classes learning to point and make new friends.
2nd year rolls around and she has moved into the competition arena.
During the physie dance year, from age 6 up, girls will compete at 2 interclubs and 1 zone competition. If a competitor makes the top 5 at zone, girls will then travel to Sydney to compete with other top 5 zone winners, the same age from all around Australia.
If competitors make the final, they are invited to compete at Repecharge for a 2nd chance to compete in the National final in Sydney.
Can you gues what happens in her first year of competition??
1. Interclub: 3rd place
2. Interclub: 1st place
QLD Gold Zone: 4th place
Because of her age 5 years, she didn't travel to Sydney to compete.
Ava at age 5, Mount Cotton Club Competition
Fast forward again to age 8 years and in the midst of a pandemic, Ava trains hard and holds her own out on the dance floor, coming away with 5th place in the QLD Zone competition.
Off to Sydney this time.
This is a tough gig and quite the accomplishment at such a young age.
Something Nicole could only dream of achieving.
Below is a picture with her beautiful and caring teachers from left to right:
Miss Marie, Miss DIna and Miss Liv.
Ava and Chloe Tenterfield Interclub 2023, no placing.
Centerary interclub 1st place, 2023
Miss Liv and Ava 2023 Repecharge Sydney Olympic Arena 9 years.
Ava in the 2023 9 years Repecharge, Marching on the
Sydney Olympic Arena
Ava in the 2023 9 years Repecharge, 1 of 5 routines on the
Sydney Olympic Arena
Ava in the 2023 9 years Repecharge, Finalist Marching out onto the
Sydney Olympic Arena
So why set up a brand??
This age group of little peaches are growing and developing, moving out of teeny tiny obessions into tween style.
Ava has been wearing crops & sportwear, for a few years now, because she is obssessed with cartwheeling and hanging upside down. Nicole had to wear a bra from age 11 as she developed very early. Not much existed back then.
Today, we are looking for fun bring colours and super cute funny things to wear.
Ava, 9 years Repecharge,
Sydney Olympic Arena
Nicole's background is Fashion, from design to construction and pretty much everything else inbetween, beginning her career officially in 1993 at Sharmyn Fashion Agencies in West End. Currently teaching at TAFE QLD.
However was introduced to world of manufacturing as a baby. Grandma Jean worked from home as an embroideres and Nicole spent many hours in her bouncer looking up at her mummy as she hand machine embroidered towels.
As Nicole got older she learnt to how help take the paper out from under the embroidery with tweezers. Making sure she was extremely careful not to pull any threads.
Soon turning 50, we can safely say we have 50 years experience in the industry. However, if we go back further Grandma worked for Ashton Brothers in Manchester, England from the age of 15, beginning with bedding and moving to forelady. Grandma is now 80, so we have a combined age of 115 years eperience in our brand already.
Avathletica the name: how did we come up with it. Well we officially didn't. It was Ava's physie teacher Miss Liv who came up with the name. Nicole mentioned to Miss Liv we were starting a brand in 2023 and shortly after Miss Liv beamly and very proudly said AVATHLETICA is what your looking for.
By geez she was right.
Thank you Miss Liv, we will forever love spending classes with you and being as passionate about our idea as we are.